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Strawberry Price Go Up and Down

Author :
Jung-Yeon Kang (글 강정연) Illustrator Min-Jae Shin (그림 심민재)

Language :

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Publisher :

Type :

Pages :
21 pages

Dimensions :

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier :

synopsis :


Jenny and her father love strawberries and enjoy them in various forms throughout the day. However, they face difficulties as the price of strawberries fluctuates due to market demands and natural events. The book explains the concept of supply and demand, economic principles, and how external factors can influence prices. Through their experiences, Jenny and her dad learn valuable economic lessons about market dynamics​.

Strawberry Price Go Up and Down
Strawberry Price Go Up and Down
Strawberry Price Go Up and Down
Strawberry Price Go Up and Down
Strawberry Price Go Up and Down
Strawberry Price Go Up and Down